Once for a wedding, which was clear when dozens of car horns blasted the news all through town for a good half hour afterwards. I was delighted to know that seems to be a universal gesture. The second Bell ringing was evidently for the 6pm mass. It was just as beautiful as before.
I filmed it, so I could post the video here. That way, you could all hear it!! However, even though I reduced it down in size, I can't seem to get it posted. I will keep trying.
So, the title of this post is "Chaussures". If you say it just right, it sounds a lot like shoes. Which is of course, just what it is!!
Why shoes? Because I've just about worn mine out!! I didn't bring that many. Anyone who knows me, knows that's a real hardship to me, to be without lots of shoes!! (and handbags, too....cringe)
I brought some black ankle booties and for the most part, that's what I've been wearing rain or shine. They've lost their shape and don't look so spiffy anymore. Also brought some tall black boots with a little heel and they suffice for "dressy" winter wear.
I have some moccasins, and some flip-flops, sandals and sneakers. Ladies here don't really wear sneakers. It is said, they are a sure sign of a tourist. ha! No, the ladies here wear real shoes most all the time. They will wear sneakers when engaging in an athletic activity or maybe for gardening. But on the street, they are wearing real shoes, often heels and almost always the type that makes that sharp clicking or tapping with each step. I was here only a few days when I began to notice that.
Back in the 60's, I got my first pair of heels (they were pink with a little "Queen Anne" heels we called them) for Easter and I just loved that clicking sound they made. I was so proud of wearing heels then.
Once, my girlfriends and I got all dressed up, with our heels, and little white gloves and rode the bus to the city. (I think we were 13 or 14, and you could safely do that then) The city was Cleveland, of course. We went shopping at Higbees and then had a shake at May Co. basement. (they were famous for their vanilla shakes) We walked all over clicking as only sophisticated ladies could. Ha....by the time we got back on the bus, our feet were burning and aching like mad. We were practically in tears. Of course, we paid that price many times over in the years to come! But I must say, I have enjoyed these recent years spent mostly without heels. But I understand the click. The lady-ness of it.
So, I am in the market for new chaussures!
But maybe black flats or loafers will have to do. Clickless.
Below are pictures taken this week, while walking around town, quietly. Notice there is some scaffolding on the castle. Just some maintenance before the tourist season.
The little arched tunnel is the walkway from my street down to the canal. The tall stone walls back up to my street. The little chapel is at the Castle gate.
The "peeping tom" cat was just outside my main guestroom on the roof. I like to use that room as a sitting room because it gets full sun.
Bonsoir, mes amis.....