Thursday, August 15, 2013

Regarding Assumption Day

This being my first Assumption Day in France, I find I was not well informed.
There is another tradition which is hugely attended. 

It seems this special day is also celebrated by having every motorcycle and scooter in Brittany soar down my street: Rue Beaumanoir, in Josselin revving all the way on its journey to the bonfire, bagpipes and fireworks.   I mean every motorcycle, yes every one.  yep. Many with sidecars, French Flags, Breton Flags, at least one American Flag, various horns, music, beeps, sirens blaring and the coveted hand slap while flying past reaching onlookers.  They come in waves.  Just when you think it's over.....down to an occasional biker tooling along.....the hoards come again...revving and revving and blasting all the sound effects.  You would think it was 5 hundred weddings! Something like Lake George on the 4th or is that Memorial Day? Or beyond.  It's been going on for over an hour now with little sign of ending,  Oh yeah, here they come again!!!! Oh wow, I can't believe how loud it is!!!  Skippy is hiding in the upstairs bathroom. 

I'm having a terrible time getting the video loaded. (I'll keep trying) Maybe there's a youtube version of this motorcycle parade in France on Assumption Day.  It's C R A Z Y!!! Au Revoir mon amis, Au Revoir!!

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